Free High Fives!!!

Question: Who doesn’t love a good high five?! Answer: No one. Because everyone should love high fives. A high five is basically a universal action of happiness and awesomeness! It doesn’t get better than that, my friends.

Second question: Who doesn’t love running?! Answer: Lot’s of people actually… But I am not one of them. Since I started running in January I have learned to really enjoy running. So when my friend Karin invited me to the Hi 5 Run, how could I say no?

Confused?? I’ll let the “founders” of the “run” elaborate. This is the description found on the Hi 5 Run group facebook page.

Join us for a monthly community run down yonge street. The finish line is the iconic CN Tower.
What is a Hi 5 run you ask? Well we run, and we hand out free high 5’s and watch as people get thrown out of their daily grind for just one second.
Lets get real, who doesn’t love a high 5. It put’s a smile on the face.

Yup, you read that correctly. We run and hand out free high fives. The run itself is juuuuuust under 5km and its mostly down hill. Between the high fives and the stops at traffic lights you hardly notice that your running. It was a great way to ahve fun with friends and get in some fitness. Here are some photos of the Hi 5 adventure!

Karin could not be any happier to be giving away these high fives!
What a happy & cheerful bunch of runners!
There I am, making someone’s day with a high five!
Can you feel the awesomeness about to happen?!
The every end of the run & while I’m red faced, we are still smiling!

Summer Shape Up: Week 2 Update

How is week 2 already over? The Fitnessista’s Summer Shape Up Program is a free month long fitness program offered on Gina’s blog. Each week she provides a workout schedule and healthy meal ideas. The idea is do what you can, when you can. Week two was great in terms of the weekdays but the weekend was not good at all.I am posting my progress each week in order to keep myself accountable, feel free to read and follow along if your interested.



To access the recipe suggestions provided by Gina this week, visit her site!

Breakfasts: Honestly, I’m not sure what I ate for breakfast this week. One day it was a protein smoothie popcicle, one day it was an egg, one day it was a left over quinoa burger, one day it was a protein milkshake, one day it was a cinnamon bun. This chaos was the result of absolutely no planning and a strong desire to sleep in for as long as possible.

Lunches: I’m still stuck on the grain bowls, as per this recipe. This time i made a large batch of quinoa. I also baked some sweet potato. Essentially it is a layer of rice/quinoa, a layer of spinach (or whichever green leaf you like), some chic peas and whatever else I could find in my fridge. This week I used the avocado, sweet potato, tomato combo. I’m going to need to get more playful with the dressing or else I risk getting sick of the meal but it is delicious and I feel full and great after I eat it.

Dinners: I had two nights of super healthy salad meals and then another night I had fried progies and another night I had cream sauce pasta… Once again a result of poor planning.

Saturday & Sunday: This weekend we were up at the cottage so it was a lot of BBQ meat, bread, cheese, ect. All the things I’m trying to avoid. Delicious in the moment but I’m becoming more and more aware of how much this food upsets my stomach, so I am going to be really adamant about eating well for week 3.



Daily: 20-30 minutes of Yoga with Adriene

Monday: Dance Recital

Tuesday: Workout # 3 (x2) + HIIT (x2)

Wednesday: High 5 Run

Thursday: Short 2km Run

Friday: Workout # 4

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Off

The week started off so well & then it spun wildly out of control. I had so many high hopes for this week and some how it just all got away from me. On Thursday I had plans to do Workout number 4, but I ended up purchasing some furniture off of a friend. She is moving and had to get everything out of the old place asap, so I went there will a trailer on Thursday night and the whole processes took much longer than anticipated. I don’t mind working out in the evening but 11 pm was far too late. Then on the weekend I was up at the cottage. The plan was to do yoga by the water, on the dock, but it poured rain all weekend. So I didn’t get the chance to go outdoors and I wasn’t going to workout in front of my family members, indoors. No thank you. So the second half of the week ended up being rather lazy. I’m really hoping to turn that around and catch up this week.


Still haven’t noticed a difference in my body in terms of size or shape, if I keep being so non-committal with the program, I don’t imagine I will. The whole clean eating this is really only effective when its a lifestyle not just a one meal a-day thing. Also, as I mentioned last week I need to do way more strength training if I’m going to see results. I did manage to drink more water during my work day because I got a nice big reusable water bottle to lug around. Although I didn’t touch the water bottle on the weekend so I’ve still got work to do there. I think I did well in reducing wheat and dairy until the weekend rolled around. Damn those easy BBQ dinners. The plan for this week is to wake up a bit earlier each day and do as much as I can in the morning. Then I can’t use the “I didn’t have time in the evening” excuse. Speaking of which, goals for the week:

  • Continue to drink a lot more water
  • Reduce wheat & dairy & sugar intake
  • Complete all workouts on the schedule
My new yoga mat! Feeling so zen with the teal blue!

Growing Up is Hard: If Not Dancer, Who Am I?


How do we define who we are?

Am I my past? What I’ve done, where I’ve been, the things I’ve seen…

Am I my future? My goals, my plans, my dreams, my aspirations…

Am I the present? My job, my daily activities, the here and now…

I think one of the most challenging parts of life is answering the question, “Who am I?”. The answer is almost constantly changing because so often we define ourselves by the present. Today, I am an arts administrator, a commuter, a blogger. But that is all surface stuff. My job, my daily activities, the here and now.

Who am I really?

A traveler, a lover of arts and culture, a reader, a writer, a singer, a dancer, a performer, a yogi, a fitness enthusiast. I’d like to think so. But sometimes I’m not so sure. I have been struggling with this “who am I” question recently because of the dance recital I just participated in over the weekend. For the first time in literally my entire life I don’t feel like I can use the word dancer to define myself anymore and realizing this is causing me to question… well… everything.

dance 1

 You see, my parents enrolled me in dance when I was two and a half. I was never the best. I couldn’t jump the highest or spin the fastest, but I loved moving and shaking and being on stage. I took tap, jazz and ballet classes and performed in the year end show for a total of 15 years.


Then I went away to university and got involved in the school dance club, as well as the theater club. It was a different stage with different people but I was still on stage, doing what I loved.



When I moved home from school for the summer after my first year I decided that I missed dancing on my stage, with my friends. So with permission from my studio owner I put together a group of alumni and we took to the stage. The alumni dance group successfully came together for four years. It was so fun to pick our own music, create our own choreography and enjoy the rush of recital weekend again. 528810_10151254170914638_988242742_n

And then one day it became more important to work on my grades, or my choral music, or whatever else. It wasn’t something I consciously decided, but one day I just wasn’t dancing anymore. Life just got in the way, I guess. However, I still considered myself a dancer. Dance had always been a part of who I was, why did that have to change just because I wasn’t dancing anymore?

This weekend that all changed. The short version of the story goes like this. The alumni group have been inactive for one year. People were missing it and since I lead the helm in the past everyone turned to me to start things up again. Reluctantly, I did. I say reluctantly because I’ve got a lot going on now, as I said before, life just gets in the way sometimes. But I managed to pull it all together… until it all collapsed, of course. Two months before the recital and a week before rehearsals were to start 4 of the 6 people backed out. It went from being a group number to a duet in minutes. They all had excuses but to me it was bull shit. Then two weeks before the recital my partner tore her thigh muscle. Yup it is every bit as painful as it sounds. Her doc isn’t sure yet if she will need surgery, but dancing was off the table… And then there was one. I wasn’t prepared to be on stage by myself, I was nervous and out of practice, my turns were a mess and my jumps were lousy. But my studio owner was expecting me to be there, so there was no way I could back out now.

I performed. It was fine. The dance was dull and uninspiring with only one but there wasn’t much I could do about that. All the reasons I loved dancing were not present this time around. There was no energy, no social aspect, no fun. For the first time in my whole life I felt out of place in the theater. I felt foolish for trying to hold on to a part of my life that was so obviously over. And I felt lost. I had always been a dancer. So much had changed, hell, everything had changed at some point or another and I was always a dancer and now for the first time, I wasn’t. So that begs the question, if not dancer, who am I?

I suppose I am still all those other things listed above. I am still a sister, a daughter, a girlfriend, a best friend. I am still energetic, fun, outgoing, smart, passionate, stubborn, ect. I know this and yet, I’m scared. Scared of changing and losing the pieces of me that I have come to recognize and define myself by.

Maybe that makes me scared of the future. Maybe that makes me scared of myself.

Maybe that just makes me human.



Summer Shape Up: Week 1 Update

Well, it has been one week since I started participating in The Fitnessista’s Summer Shape Up Program. This is a free month long fitness program offered on Gina’s blog. Each week she provides a workout schedule and healthy meal ideas. The idea is do what you can, when you can. I think I did alright for my first week. I figured I would post my progress each week in order to keep myself accountable.



We all know that my kitchen skills are weak at best so it was a relief to see that most of the ideas that Gina suggested are pretty simple. Basically, she is just promoting wholesome and healthy eating. To access the recipe suggestions provided by Gina, visit her site!

Breakfasts: I had a protein smoothie for breakfast from Monday to Friday. I usually have breakfast around 7:00 am, so with the right amount of protein powder and healthy fats, the smoothie kept me full until at least 11:00 am when I had a small snack. My smoothies contained cranberry juice, almond milk, spinach, raspberries, blue berries, vanilla protein powder and hemp hearts.

Lunches: Remember my story about the super salty brown rice, well I ended up using it to make grain bowls, as per this recipe. Essentially it is a layer of rice, a layer of spinach (or whichever green leaf you like), some chic peas and whatever else I could find in my fridge. So one day I added salmon and red pepper, another day it was avocado and red pepper, another day it was cucumber, tomato, and feta cheese. So so soooo delicious, filling and healthy!

Dinners: I didn’t do quite as well with my dinners. One night I made spicy shrimp and rice (healthy), another night I had salmon and sweet potato (healthy), but then one night Lucas and I ordered burritos (not so healthy), and another night we had a BBQ (really not healthy at all but oh so delicious). Ya win some, ya loose some I guess.

Saturday & Sunday: While I managed a pretty successful first week, my first weekend was a hungover mess of two-bite cinnamon rolls and mini-pizzas. Note to self: stop ending your nights-out with vodka shots, it is never a good idea!



Daily: 20-30 minutes of Yoga with Adriene

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Workout # 2

Wednesday: 4 km Run

Thursday: Workout # 3 + 20 minutes of Cycling on the stationary bike

Friday: Workout # 1 + some labour intensive household chores

Saturday: Dance recital rehearsal

Sunday: Dance recital show x2 (matinee & evening)

All in all I am pleased with the amount of physical activity I got over the past week. I didn’t exactly follow Gina’s plan, especially on Sunday but the dance recital this weekend ate up a lot of my time. I think I would have enjoyed the plank burner so I am going to do my best to fit it in somewhere this week. I also had a dance show on Monday night so I am jumping back into the week 2 schedule today.


So far I haven’t noticed a difference in my body in terms of size or shape, I think a lot of that has to do with my diet. Also, the Shape Up has made me very aware of how much I am lacking in the strength training department. My running training has helped me become very good at cardio and heart rate management but my muscle tone just isn’t there. This makes the strength workouts super challenging (I wanted to cry while doing workout #2 on Tuesday) but it also a very welcome change for my routine. The greatest part about this program, I feel, is the facebook group. Essentially it is a closed community for people who are participating in the Shape Up to ask questions, check in, provide support, ect. Seeing other people’s check in posts have motivated me in ways I didn’t think possible. They have even motivated me to set some goals for this week:

  • Drink a lot more water
  • Reduce wheat & dairy intake
  • Complete all workouts on the schedule


Kitchen Experiments: Brown Rice Blues

It is a well known fact that cooking isn’t a strong suit. Sometimes I can follow a recipe and have pretty decent results. It never looks as pretty as the picture but the taste usually works out. Other times I can take a perfectly simple recipe and still find a way to mess it up. Usually this happens when I get too confident and start to improvise, like the time I attempted guacamole… Or the time I tried to make egg in a whole using a stack of bread with holes ripped out of the middle instead of using a bagel… Or the other day when I made a large batch of brown rice.

Yup. Brown Rice.


I know it seems like an impossible feat but don’t be so sure, my friends. I managed to screw up the worlds easiest recipe. Let me share my sad pathetic tale so that you all may learn from my mistake. Lets start with the instructions shall we?

  1. Bring rice and liquid to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, until tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed, 40-50 minutes.

Two simple instructions. That’s all there is to it. I was making a large batch because I am attempting to eat healthier meals and that means planning ahead. I’m participating in The Fitnessista’s Summer Shape Up Challenge. This is a challenge that Gina holds twice a year for free on her blog. She provides multiple clean eating recipe suggestions and a weekly workout schedule, more on this later. A lot of the recipes call for quinoa as a side or as a salad topping. But I’ll be honest I’m not a huge quinoa fan so I decided to sub in brown rice. It’s not as healthy but I mean its better than white rice, am I right?!


So anyway, I was making a weeks worth of brown rice for lunches and dinners. I decided I was gonna get fancy and use an equal mixture of vegetable broth and water for my rice. So I put the rice, broth and water in the pot, z17040393O,--Downton-Abbey----fot--ITV-turned up the heat and then made a last section decision to add a little salt to the water because that’s what a chef would do, obviously. Once the pot was boiling I turned down that heat, turned on an episode of Downton Abby and occasionally stirred. After a totally dramatic episode (aren’t they all, seriously I cannot get enough of this show!) the liquid was absorbed and the rice was ready to go! I removed it from the heat, let it cool for a few minutes and then took a big heaping spoonful into my mouth…

…YOWZA that is some very SALTY rice! Way to go me! How did this happen?! I did NOT put that much salt in the water! Then it hit me, the broth was ALSO salted. So by using both my end result was very, very salty. Like ocean level salty.

The good news: The rice is still edible as long as there is something mixed in. Yesterday I had a veggie and rice bowl for lunch with avocado, red pepper, cucumber, spinach and chic peas with a lime balsamic dressing. Once mixed together the saltyness (it’s a word now..) of the rice was hardly noticeable. And today I had salmon and rice with a salad, once again after it was all mixed up, delicious, but I had a couple rice only spoonfuls and they were strong.

In the future I’m just gonna stick with good ol’ water. Lesson learned.

Have you ever messed up a super easy recipe? Share in the comments!

I Love Live Music!

I love summer. Summer is warm and bright and filled with so many live outdoor music performances! If I could, I would spend the rest of my life at outdoor music concerts. There is an energy at outdoor live performances that cannot be replicated indoors. Maybe it’s the warm fresh air, maybe it’s the large crowd, maybe it’s the night sky and the stars overhead. Who knows. All I know is that I cannot get enough. This past weekend I was lucky enough to attend not one, but two outdoor concerts!

Kira Isabella @ The Mississauga Waterfront Festival
Mumford & Sons in Niagara on the Lake

The first was a free country music concert put on by the Mississauga Waterfront Festival. This concert featured the up and coming Kira Isabella!! She is a Canadian country singer from Ottawa and she is currently touring all over the place. She has a super sweet attitude and a whole lot of spunk! We managed to get right up to the front and had a great time dancing and singing alone, despite the fact that it rained all day and we were essentially standing in mud. It was a really fun girls night activity. My current favourite by her is called “Gone Enough”. Give it a listen!

IMG_6518 IMG_6521 IMG_6520

The second concert was Mumford & Sons at Niagara on the Lake. This was my second time seeing Mumford and they did not disappoint. I am a very big fan of their music, read about my opinions on their new album here. Even though we ended up in the middle of the crowd I felt so moved by and connected to their performance. In the middle I had room to dance and be free! And thanks to screens beside the stage I still had a good view of the band. I don’t have very many pictures from this show because I took videos instead but I was at the concert with my friend Sam, who is an aspiring photographer. So with her permission I’ll be posting some of her pictures at a later date. For now here is a sampling.

mumford 2 Mumford

Will you be attending any Music Concerts this summer? Share in the comments!

Allergic to “E” Challenge

Well here is a nifty little change from nominations and answering questions about myself. I present to you, The E challenge created by Yinglan.

Thank you to the one and only Ms Millie Thom for inviting me to participate. This is how it works:

1) Write a whole paragraph (I take that to me 5 to 7 sentences) without any word containing the letter “e”.
2) By reading this you are already signed up.
3) Challenge at least five bloggers to do the challenge. They must do it within 24 hours or it is considered as failure.
4) If you fail or pass, suffer in the Page of Lame.
5) If you win, wallow in the Page of Fame.

My paragraph is rather silly and terribly short. It is not a good piece of writing by any means but it has a fun l little doctor Seuss vibe. Hopefully my nominees can do better. Enjoy.


I will not go to San Francisco. I want to go but I cannot for I carry a phobia of hills. Uphill hills, downhill hills, small, tall and standard hills. Aslant hills, straight hills, bumps of grass that look similar to hills. No matter if I walk, run or fly. I do not fancy hills from ground or from sky. I do love flat plains of land. Particularly flat grass and sand.  And so I will not go to San Francisco.


And here are my five nominees:

My College Odyssey 

Phonix Grey

Pint Sized Fiction

Mica’s World

Story Time With John

Creative Blogger Award!


I am so very pleased to share that I was nominated not one, not twice, but three times for the Creative Blogger Award! Gosh, with all these nominations it’s starting to feel like a Hollywood Award show over here. Whatever will I wear on the red carpet?! Seriously though, it means the world to know that there are other bloggers out there who connect with and appreciate all my mind ramblings. I love these blogging awards because they help me to find more wonderful blogs to follow, I seriously cannot get enough!

I was nominated by three amazing bloggers. Ladies, thank you all so much for following, reading & nominating me! I encourage everyone to check out their great blogs!

Millie Thom: Millie Thom (her pen name) writes a creative writing blog that is full of quirky, interesting pieces of fiction.

The Tipsy Runner: She writes all about her daily life experiences and her running adventures. She has a great sense of humor and is also from the Toronto area, like me!

Freckles and Cheeks: Carly is also from Ontario! She writes about her life as a new mom and her day-to-day adventures.

So onto the rules of the award!

1.) Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (see above)

2.) Share five facts about yourself to your readers

3.) Nominate 10 other blogs and post their links

4.) Notify all nominees via their social media/blog

5) Pass the rules onto your nominees

So 5 facts about me! I always struggle with this one because I feel a need to seem interesting. I wonder what Freud would say about that?! Anyway, onto my (hopefully interesting) facts!

  • I am super interested in event planning. I think the speed and high-stress atmosphere is so exhilarating. The “plan” is to eventually get into planning and coordinating fundraising events for the arts. But if I wasn’t going to work in the arts I would love to be a wedding planner.
  • I am obsessed with my own hair. The fact that I am a natural blonde is something I am INCREDIBLY proud of. Last summer I flat ironed by hair while it was still slightly wet and I managed to burn it to a crisp. My hair dresser has been cutting out burnt pieces of hair for almost a year now and I spent a lot of money on hair products that claim magical things. So far I have found coconut oil to be the best thing for my hair. I am really hoping that it will finally start to grow healthy and strong again soon. Maybe by Christmas I’ll even have long hair again! Stay tuned.
  • I love berry picking! Mostly because I love being able to eat a berry for every two that I put in my bucket. I know they say you must watch out for the amount of sugar found in fruits but I don’t even care. Give me all of the berries all the time!
  • Stars amaze me. The vastness of our universe both terrifies and excites me. When I was 10 I had the opportunity to sleep over in the Ontario Science Centre with my girl guide group. I spent almost all of my time there in the indoor planetarium. It was so exceptionally beautiful. I could have stayed in there forever.
  • I am struggling right now between a strong desire to travel and live and experience things and a strong desire to establish myself as an adult, to buy a home, to make a name for myself in the professional world. I so badly wish that I could do both but it doesn’t really seem to work that way. To be both free and permanent. I hope that in the future. when Lucas is done school, that maybe he and I can take a few months and travel. That would be the perfect compromise. Only time will tell.

Well now that you know a little more about what makes me tick, here are my 10 nominees! All of these blogs are da bomb for a lot of reasons. Some of these writers have taken me on adventures to far away lands. Some of these writers have shared their trials and tribulations so that I may also experience their experiences. Some of these writers make me laugh to the point of happy tears. Some of these writers inspire me to continue working towards the best version of myself. All of these writers are incredibly creative in their own unique way. Check them out, give em a follow.

My College Odyssey


Ellis Goes On Holiday

Better Be A Hit

Captured to Share

Phoenix Grey

The Girl in the Little Black Dress

Slow Motion Smile

Grieving is Healing

Movin’ it with Michelle

Too all my nominees, I hope you will accept this nomination and keep the creative awesomeness going but if your blog doesn’t do awards then please just accept this as recognition of great work!  Also, It seems the version of the award the Millie Thom nominated me for and the version that Tipsy Runner & Freckles and Cheeks nominated me for have different logos, but the rules are the same. So I’ve displayed one logo at the top of this post and one at the bottom. Feel free to use whichever one you like the most! Or both!


Running my second ever 5k!


One month ago I ran my first ever 5km race! Actually the term “fun run” is probably a much more accurate description. The goal was to run a 5k and I am happy to say that the goal was successfully achieved! Woot Woot!! Afterwards I was fine to call it a new experience for the books and leave it at that. Well, one of my very best friends, Karin (pictured above), was not going to have that. “Sign up for another race as soon as possible!” She said, “You worked so hard to reach that goal, why stop now?”. So I followed Karin’s wise advice and together we signed up for the Streetsville, Bread &196338_4588763557_8742_n Honey Festival 5kwhich we ran this past Sunday.

Karin is a real runner. I know, I know, as long as I am running, I too am a real runner… But I’m not. I wouldn’t define myself as a runner. Rather I am someone who has recently learned to somewhat enjoy running. Where as Karin has been running track, cross country, ect. for as long as I have known her. For the record, we have been besties since our joint sweet 16 birthday party in 2007. Look how precious and young we were!

Anyway, my point is that Karin (being a real runner) is super speedy! So from the start we knew that we wouldn’t be running buddies for the actual running part of the day. But we were running together in spirit! Karin did amazingly well, coming first in our age category (20-24)! She managed to run the entire 5k in 22 minutes and 35 seconds! I was so impressed and proud of her!

The first thing I noticed about my second ever 5k is that it was just as busy as the first one! There were people all over the place! The Bread & Honey race had a lot more children than the first as it included a 1k race, which was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. Parents running/walking with their little ones in tow. And I mean little little ones. Some of the kids were even dressed in little bee costumes.This race also had a lot more super intense looking runners as it also included a 15k race. A distance which still seems like a crazy long to me, maybe in the very distant future I’ll try to tackle it,


I decided to run in long sleeves because the air was chilly, despite being so sunny.I also use headphones as long as they are permitted. I actually find running incredibly monotonous so the music helps keep me interested.

When the race began Karin speed quickly to the front of the crowd and I settled into a spot in the front of the middle. I thought I was maintaining a good pace but when the road started sloping downward slightly I realized just how fast I was going. In one sense it was awesome that my muscles can maintain a faster pace, but unfortunately my lungs cannot. One of my biggest running struggles has been consistently maintaining an even breath. If I am not 100 percent focused on my air flow it will very quickly go all over the place.

This was unfortunately the case on Sunday. I got the worst THE WORST runners cramp in my right side just as I reached the 2km mark. At first I tried to slow down my pace but still jog, this didn’t work out. The movement from each food hitting the pavement caused so much pain where my cramp was. So I slowed to a quick walk, I really focused on slowing my breath and I massaged my side with my hand. I basically had to walk for an entire km before the cramp subsided. I was super disappointed about having to walk but there was honestly no way I could have pushed through it. I cried. Seriously. While I was walking I had tears pouring from my eyes. Half from pain and half from disappointment in myself. As soon as I was up and running again I found a comfortable pace and stuck with it almost all the way to the end.

When I came upon the finish line a shot of adrenaline rushed through me! I don’t know if it was the music, the crowd, or knowing that it was finally going to be over but I pushed myself so hard! As I crossed the finish line I looked at the clock and happily realized that, despite having had to walk, I came in exactly 50 seconds FASTER than my first 5k! 50 seconds faster! Imagine how much better my time would have been had I not gotten that cramp!


If I wasn’t addicted to participating in races and events before, I sure am now! Sometimes when your training alone it is hard to tell if you’ve actually improved at all. But obviously I am becoming a stronger, faster runner! Slowly but surely! Unfortunately there are no July events that I can participate in, so Karin and I are looking at some dates in August. For the time being I want to continue to focus on my 5k time. Getting faster and managing my breath. Perhaps next summer I will look at some longer distances. Run on my friends!


Turning a Good Day Into a Bad One: A Step By Step Guide

Is the sun shining? Are the birds singing? Did you just enjoy a totally relaxing and fun evening with your best friend?! Are you off to enjoy Saturday afternoon being pampered? Sounds like you are having a good day!

Well lets flip that smile for a while! If you are looking to turn a good day into a bad one, just follow our step by step guide for a guaranteed bad day.

Turning a Good Day Into a Bad One: A Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Rear-end a Mini-Van while driving your boyfriend’s mom’s car

Step 2: Make sure the person you drive into has no empathy or communication skills

Step 3: Cry in front of a stranger

Step 4: Agree to fix the vehicles through insurance only to realize that it will raise your boyfriend’s mom’s insurance premium

Step 5: Agree to pay for anything and everything for everyone to avoid step number 4

Step 6: Stress about the very small amount of money in your bank account

Step 7: Eat all the junk food and then stress about all the unnecessary calories

Step 8: Cry some more