I Went to Therapy and it was totally normal, helpful and not a big deal

It’s no secret that mental health is a stigmatized subject. Research tells us that mental illness affects people of all ages, all educational levels, all income levels and all cultures. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association 20% of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime. That is approximately 7 million people! And still people get awkward and weird when the topic of mental health is brought up.

This September I started regularly seeing a holistic therapist, Angelika. This is like the naturopathic version of a normal therapist. The biggest difference being that Angelika doesn’t have a doctorate and so she doesn’t prescribe medication. Most of her methods and techniques focus on belief change using methods such as guided meditation, positive visualizations, supportive mantra’s, hypnosis, ect. It sounds fancy but for the most part my sessions consisted of me talking and her listening, just like in the movies but without the fancy couch.

I decided to start seeing Angelika when I realized I was struggling to cope in everyday life. She had worked with a friend of mine who saw real positive results and I knew that talking to someone was my best option. You see, a lot happened in September. I moved into downtown Toronto, Lucas moved 2 hours away for school, I started a new job. All very exciting stuff but it was a lot all at the same time and as it turns out, I had some trouble adjusting to it all.

One Monday evening in September I went to yoga class to help calm me down. While in the change room, I put my jewelry in a side pocket of my bag. The next morning I went to get my jewelry from my bag and it wasn’t there and I went from panicked to hysterical to ballistic in minutes. I ended up having to call in to work and take the morning off as a personal day. I couldn’t breathe, I was hyperventilating, I couldn’t stop crying. It took hours for me to calm down. Was the jewelry special? For sure. Was it worth that much stress and anxiety? Hell no. It was just the cherry on top of the overwhelmed pie and that was the moment I knew that I needed to get some help asap.

I met with Angelika 5 times over the course of 4 months and it has made such a positive difference in my life. I feel so much more relaxed, I am managing stressful situations better, and I have a much more positive outlook on the big and small things in my life. We talked about all sorts of things but when whittled down most of my fears and anxieties were rooted in communication with others. Communication with Lucas, my friends, my co-workers, my sisters, my parents. With Lucas, it was a fear of being unable to communicate while being far apart and I was so afraid of that happening that I was making it happen. With my sisters, it was a judgement thing. I thought they judged me and so I treated them a certain way in response to what I assumed they were thinking. It put strain on my relationships. Working with Angelika I have learned how to be less hard on myself and less judgmental and presumptuous in my communication with others. My relationship with Lucas (despite being long distance) has never been stronger. We share more now than we did when we lived together and we have learned how to make each visit more meaningful. Also, my relationship with my sisters is so much better. We used to bicker all the time, which is normal for sisters but was also very sad. For the first time in my life it feels like my sisters and I are friends rather than frenemies and it feels so good!

In October I slipped up while talking with a co-worker and said “oh I was talking with my therapist about that this morning”. He looked at me like I had three heads. At the time I was embarrassed. Even though I was making so much progress, I was proud of myself and I felt like I was controlling my life instead of my life controlling me. I was embarrassed that I had admitted this secret to someone. But now I am realizing that I have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. So I need someone who is unbiased to listen to me vent every once in a while, so what?! It’s healthy! I’m getting things, emotions, thoughts and feelings out into the open and then dealing with them in a rational and clearly thought out way. The way I see it, everyone should be taking the time and energy to talk to someone who knows what they are talking about, it would make the world a much nicer place.

So if you have been thinking about therapy, any kind—do it! Let this post as a sign! Yes, the first appointment is awkward and weird and nerve-wracking but also so incredibly worth it. Let them think that I have three heads… I feel great and that is all that matters.

Apprendre le français

Bonjour mes amis! Hello my friends!

New life goal: Learn French.

“Aren’t you Canadian?! Isn’t French your country’s second language? Didn’t they teach you that in school?”

Yes, I am Canadian. Yes, French is Canada’s official second language. Yes, I studied French in school from grade 4 to grade 9. But sadly, I can’t speak, write or read French.

I have some words in the back of my head from my many years of French education (jambon = ham / bibliothèque = library / papillon = butterfly). But after grade 9 (age 14/15) French language is not a mandatory course and I between then and now (ten years…) I seem to have forgotten basically everything. In addition, I wasn’t all that great with the language even when I was studying it on a regular basis.

So why do I want to learn French now? After all this time getting along just fine with English.


Well, I suppose it’s a number of reasons. I want to give myself a challenge. I want to be a more rounded citizen. I want to be able to travel and communicate with different people. That is the true goal here, communication. I wont be reading French novels or anything like that but I want to be able to talk to people and get by on my own with French.

They say that the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. Well I can’t go to Quebec or France anytime soon so here is how I will be immersing myself in french.

  • Facebook – I have changed my facebook default language to French so that my brain has to work a little harder while browsing the web.
  • Duolingo – This handy little app teaches you the basics of a language through little quizzes and tests right on your phone. So I have a goal to do 20 minutes a day.
  • Talking – I have a few friends who are bilingual and they have agreed to talk to me in french sometimes so that I can become more familiar with the language.

Here’s hoping this will be a fun, challenging and rewarding learning journey!

Au Revoir!


Looking backwards. Moving Forwards.

Happy New Year! 


I am a little late to the game but I hope everyone had a safe, fun and happy new years. My roommates and I threw a very successful party. Potentially party of the year, I’d say! More on that in another post. 

Last year I took some time to lay out 3 new years resolutions. It is a healthy activity, I think, to take time to look at your life and focus the lens a little. Here are my goals/resolutions from 2015:

Learn to cook: checkmark-clip-artI am no chef by any means but for the most part I have figured out how to make myself a decent meal. Sometimes it’s a super amazingly delicious meal and sometimes it is just edible but hey, I still cooked it! My best meal in my books is probably the sweet potato medley or perhaps chicken. 

Embrace the now: download This is still a work in progress, I have a feeling it always will be. It is so easy to look forward to the future and imagine all the possibilities and doing that sometimes isn’t a bad thing. But I still feel as though I spend more time in my head, enjoying my pretend future, than in the real world with my present. 

Run a 5k Race: checkmark-clip-art Success! This year I ran not one but two 5km races! Checking this off the list was a very big highlight of my 2015 and proof to myself that I can do anything I set my mind to. Go Me! 


So there you have it, folks. Two out of three resolutions deemed successful!

Now onto 2016! 

Live in the Present: download I am rephrasing the above resolution a little bit. This year I want to be present and enjoy the here and now. I think digging deeper into my yoga and meditation practice will really help with this, so I guess this resolution is a fancy way of saying “do more yoga”.

Start Saving:download I’m a real life adult now and that means I need to start acting like one financially. So I am going to create a budget and stick to it!

Embrace fitness as a lifestyle, instead of a chore: download The goal here is to have fun being healthy. Right now I feel obligated and almost forced to go to the gym. I am hoping to modify my mentality and enjoy my workouts as a part of a healthy lifestyle instead of as punishment.

These goals are less tangible than those from 2015. Well, other than the money one. But I think these are the things in my life that can be improved on. Personal growth is always a good thing. So hopefully by keeping these goals in mind throughout the year, 2016 will be the best year yet.

Be sure to check in about 365 days from now to see if I was successful!

Share in the comments! What are your 2016 New Years Resolutions?